Planning Commission


The Planning Commission consists of five members, each is appointed by one member of the Town Council, and ratified by a majority vote of the Town Council.   Appointment will be made at the regular council meeting in January following an election to the council to become effective in March of that year.  Members are appointed for four year terms. (Loomis Municipal Code Chapter 2.36)

Planning Commission Members:

  • Chairman Tim Onderko
  • Vice Chair Linda Kelly
  • Commissioner Jean Wilson
  • Commissioner Ryan DeMartini
  • Commissioner Nathan DiPillo


Regularly scheduled meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Train Depot, 5775 Horseshoe Bar Road, Loomis, CA.

Good planning is essential for effective communities. Every Town/City has the responsibility to decide how to use its land and guide the form and shape the Town will take in the future.

The Planning Commission is entrusted to help set land-use goals and evaluate individual project proposals to ensure that they are consistent with the Town’s adopted plans. Almost every decision of the Commission must strike a balance between private benefit and the overall public good.

During the decision-making process, the Commission relies on the Town’s General Plan and Zoning Ordinance. The General Plan, which governs the Town’s physical shape and character, is our major policy document.

In order to carry out its responsibilities, the Commission also considers subdivision ordinances, the State Planning Law and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).

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