Business License

Getting Started

If you are planning on starting a business or providing business in the Town of Loomis, you must obtain a business license.

For application submittal, fee, and license renewal questions, please contact Permit Technician II Jordan Tibbits.

For information on commercial zoning and home business information, please contact Planning Assistant Sarah Jennings .

Applying for a Business License

Step One

Verify that the proposed location is in the correct zone for the business you are proposing. This includes commercial and in-home businesses. To confirm use, please contact Planning Assistant Sarah Jennings for verification. Certain allowed uses may require additional applications such as a conditional use permit to be approved.

Step Two

Once allowed use has been confirmed, please fill out and submit the applicable forms as determined by the Planning Department along with required fees. Applications are considered incomplete and will not be processed until payment is made in full.

Step Three

In Town Commercial businesses will need to schedule an appointment with the Town Building Inspector and South Placer Fire District for inspection prior to business license issuance.


Commercial, In-Home, and Out of Town Contractors Business License

$172 for the first year, $29.00 each following year for renewal

Out of Town Business License

$197 for the first year, $54.00 each following year for renewal


Our business license expires on December 31st of each year and needs to be renewed annually. Notification of renewal will be sent to the mailing address on file prior to license expiration.

Massage Therapist Business License

Loomis requires that all individuals applying for a Massage Therapist Business license be certified through the State of California. Please complete a certificate of compliance, and complete a background check with Placer County Sheriff's Department. The required forms are located towards the bottom of this page.

Business License in Limited Industrial Zone

All business located in the ILT (Limited Industrial) District must verify Conditional Use Permit requirement of location when applying for a business license. Please be aware that a new Conditional Use Permit may be required for your business location before a business license can be issued. For more information on the CUP process and required fees, please refer to the Conditional Use Permit Application Packet.

Business License Inspections

All new in Town commercial businesses will need to schedule an appointment with the Town Building Inspector and South Placer Fire District for inspection prior to business license issuance.

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