Public Records Request

California Public Records Act

The California Public Records Act (California Government Code Sections 6250 et. Seq.),commonly referred to as the “PRA,” provides members of the public access to records and information maintained by government agencies, such as the Town of Loomis.  The purpose of the PRA is to ensure that government records are disclosed to the public upon request unless there is a legal basis for withholding those records.

Public Records

The PRA defines public records as “any writing containing information relating to the conduct of the public’s business prepared, owned, used, or retained by any state or local agency regardless of physical form or characteristics” (GC Section6252(e)).  Simply put, public records are those records which are maintained in the course of Town Business.  This could include correspondence, final reports, resolutions, ordinances, agendas, minutes, applications, and plans, to name a few.  The Town of Loomis maintains a comprehensive list of records as part of its Records Retention Schedule.

The PRA does exempt certain records from disclosure.  This includes attorney-client communications, drafts, records pertaining to pending litigation, certain law enforcement records, certain personnel records, initiative, referendum and recall petitions, and other proprietary information.

Requesting Records

Any member of the public may request to review a public record.  Requests for records may be made in writing, email or verbally.

Town’s Obligation to Respond

The Town is obligated to provide a response to all requests for records within 10 calendar days following receipt of the request.  If the tenth day falls on a weekend or Town holiday, the next business day is considered the deadline for responding to the request.

If additional time is needed to provide the requested records, the Town may extend the response period. If the Town does extend the response period, it must notify the requestor in writing within the initial 10 day period.

Reviewing Records

Records are generally made available for review at Town Hall during normal business hours, Monday through Friday.  If a member of the public request copies of records, the Town may charge a copying fee.

Need Help?

If you have questions or need help defining your request, call the Town Clerk’s office at 916-824-1509 or email

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