FAQ Topic: Code Enforcement
The use of an RV or Travel Trailer for temporary lodging is permitted under certain conditions. The overnight occupancy of a recreational vehicle or travel trailer in a residential zoning district by houseguests are not to exceed two weeks in any twelve-month period. Municipal Code 13.62.030
Visit the County of Placer Animal Services page to learn more about Animal Control.
Code Enforcement is a division of service provided by the Town of Loomis and works in conjunction with other departments such as Building, Planning and the Town Engineer. It helps maintain various laws and ordinances that uphold health and safety concerns and the desirability and property values of the community. We respond to complaints, inspect … Continued
To report any Town of Loomis code violations anonymously, please complete the Complaint Form and contact Code Enforcement Officer Lee Holt. Any complaint form may be submitted online, emailed to lholt@loomis.ca.gov turned in to Loomis Town Hall, 3665 Taylor Rd.
Please report any fire hazard concerns to Code Enforcement Officer Lee Holt.
Ownership comes with requirements and responsibilities. The rules that are in place were created out of previous issues, and are measures to ensure those matters do not reoccur. Sections of the Town are designated for specific uses. This is designed to avoid conflict. For example, an auto repair shop or fast food place should not … Continued
Animal keeping in Loomis is regulated under Planning and the Zoning of the property. Roosters and other types of animals or livestock may or may not be allowed in certain zones. For more information on what is allowed in your zone, please review the Animal Keeping section 13.24.060 of the Loomis Municipal Code. There also … Continued
Vehicles are personal property and we need to provide notification and appropriate timelines for people to comply with inoperable vehicle violations. Vehicles in the right-of-way, whether street or on the sidewalk, are under the Place County Sheriffs Office’s control. Code Enforcement handles inoperable vehicles on private property. For any questions regarding inoperable vehicles, please contact … Continued
We understand housing challenges in today’s world, yet rules are in place to provide healthy and safe living environments. There are electrical and waste challenges along with Zoning issues that apply here. The ordinance is written to allow someone to stay for up to two (2) weeks a year when they visit, but NOT to … Continued